Archives: 2022

PBGC 2023 Premium Rates and Implications

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (“PBGC”) recently announced the 2023 premium rates for single-employer and multiemployer pension plans. PBGC premium rates for 2023 were derived based on the change in the National Average Wage (“NAW”) index published by the Social Security Administration fr…Continued

The Inevitable Healthcare Inflation Lag and Strategies to Mitigate

Written by Stuart Sutley, Bolton Innovation GroupFall 2022The Impact of Contracting CyclesIt certainly comes as no surprise that the hope for a quick drop in inflation has not happened. Despite energy prices falling 5% in August, according to Bloomberg, overall inflation inched 0.1% higher for the …Continued

The Maryland Time to Care Act of 2022

Maryland’s recently enacted Time to Care Act of 2022 (TTCA) is expected to have a significant impact on local employers. Join David Johnson, Vice President of Bolton Health, for an overview of the new law and insight on how employers can begin to prepare for its implementation.Wednesday, Nov…Continued

Affordable Care Act: 2023 Compliance Checklist

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made a number of significant reforms to group health plan coverage when it was enacted in 2010. Since then, changes have been made to various ACA requirements that employers should be aware of. These changes include annual cost-of-living increases to certain ACA dollar…Continued

The Effects of Inflation on OPEB Valuations

The Impact of Inflation on Future Medical Care Cost IncreasesGenerally, the biggest driver of retiree medical liabilities (OPEB) is the projected medical care cost increases.Inflation (especially in food and energy costs) is in the news. Since September 2021, the annual inflation rate remains over …Continued

2022 Salary Budget Report

Salary budgets continue to growOver the past year, inflationary and labor market pressures have contributed to dramatic salary budget increases. This trend is consistent throughout all US regions, as well as globally.These pressures have been greater than expected. According the 2022 World at Work …Continued