Archives: 2022

Economic Stasis Bodes Poorly for Outlook

Written for Bolton by Zack Fritz, Economic Advisor to BoltonFor more than a year, the economy has appeared to be on the verge of an inflection point. Inflation was supposed to peak, consumer demand was supposed to falter, labor shortages were supposed to abate, and the unprecedented rate of hiring …Continued

Implications of Higher 2023 Benefit Limits

The IRS confirmed in Notice 2022-55 what we have been predicting - 2023 benefit limits reflect unusually large increases due to the highest inflation rates since indexing began. The final limits for 2023 are based on the 12-month change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) fo…Continued

Cost of Living Adjustments to Contribution and Benefit Limits

High inflation rates have caused unprecedented increases in 2023 benefit limits. The Social Security released the 2023 Social Security Wage Base in October 2022. All other retirement-focused 2023 limits are determined using an 8.3% increase, which represents the year-over-year increase in the avera…Continued