
Navigating Healthcare: Understanding Gen Z's Expectations

By Bolton September 13th, 2023

Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is entering adulthood with a unique perspective on life and society. As this generation becomes more independent and takes control of their health, it's crucial to understand their expectations and preferences in regards to healthcare. Gen Z's digital upbringing, focus on convenience, and desire for personalized experiences are shaping the way they interact with healthcare services.

Digital Connectivity: Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up in a world dominated by smartphones and the internet. Their expectations for healthcare services are heavily influenced by the convenience and immediacy that technology offers. They expect healthcare providers to have a robust online presence, including user-friendly websites and mobile apps. Telemedicine, virtual appointments, and online prescription refills are now viewed as standard options, as they align with Gen Z's preference for digital connectivity.

Convenience and Accessibility: Convenience is a top priority for Gen Z, who are accustomed to on-demand services in various aspects of their lives. When it comes to healthcare, they expect quick access to information, appointments, and medications. Walk-in clinics, extended hours, and short wait times at medical facilities are important factors that contribute to their overall satisfaction. Gen Z values healthcare services that fit into their busy schedules and minimize disruptions to their daily lives.

Proactive and Preventive Care: Unlike many previous generations, Gen Z is proactive about their health and wellbeing. They are well-informed, using online resources to research symptoms, conditions, and treatment options. Healthcare providers who take the time to educate and engage Gen Z patients in discussions about preventive care, healthy habits, and lifestyle choices will likely earn their trust and loyalty. Gen Z values open communication with their healthcare providers, as it empowers them to make informed decisions.

Personalized Experiences: Personalization is a key factor that influences Gen Z's expectations across all industries, and healthcare is no exception. They desire individualized treatment plans that consider their unique medical history, preferences, and needs. Genetic testing, personalized medicine, and tailored advice resonate with this generation, as it allows them to take a proactive role in managing their health. Healthcare providers who leverage data analytics to offer customized experiences will foster stronger connections with Gen Z patients.

Mental Health Support: Gen Z is vocal about their mental health concerns and seeks healthcare providers who understand and prioritize these issues. Accessible mental health resources, including therapy services and online support groups, resonate with this generation. They appreciate healthcare providers who take a holistic approach, addressing both physical and mental wellbeing. Creating a stigma-free environment for discussing mental health is crucial in meeting Gen Z's expectations.

Conclusion: Understanding the expectations of Generation Z in regards to healthcare is pivotal for healthcare providers and systems to effectively engage and serve this cohort. With their digital savvy, focus on convenience, proactive approach to health, desire for personalization, and emphasis on mental health, Gen Z is reshaping the healthcare landscape. By adapting services to meet these expectations, healthcare providers can foster lasting relationships and contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of this generation.

The content of this article is attributed to John Lufburrow, Chief Revenue Officer at Revive Health, one of Bolton Health’s vendor-partners leading the market in virtual primary care and mental health solutions.